Making Waves: OT Tips and Tools for a Sensational Beach Trip ☀️
Making Waves: OT Tips and Tools for a Sensational Beach Trip ☀️
Navigating the Mid-Year Gap: Strategies to Support Your Child's Success
As January marks the midpoint of the school year, it's a crucial time to assess your child's progress and address any challenges they may be facing. Recognizing the signs of a widening gap and taking proactive steps can empower your child for a positive and affirming school year. Here are some practical tips to guide you.
Fostering Community with a Neurodiversity Affirming Approach
Community and a feeling of belonging are vital components for building stable relationships and developing a strong sense of self. The desire to be a part of a community and to feel like a welcome member of a like-minded group begins to develop at an early age. When a child is exploring leisure activities, building friendships, and figuring out who they are.
But what happens when you are someone who views the world through a different lens? For neurodivergent populations, interests may be more diverse and unique, making it more challenging to find others with similar interests.
Read more to learn ways to foster community with a neurodiversity affirming approach.
Back to school we go!
For any child, moving from one set of routines to another can present challenges, but for those kiddos with sensory sensitivities, this change can be overwhelming and cause a lot of fear and anxiety. In this blog post, I will give you a few OT tips and tricks that can help prepare and regulate your child to help ensure a successful transition back to school.