Navigating the Mid-Year Gap: Strategies to Support Your Child's Success

As January marks the midpoint of the school year, it's a crucial time to assess your child's progress and address any challenges they may be facing. Recognizing the signs of a widening gap and taking proactive steps can empower your child for a positive and affirming school year. Here are some practical tips to guide you:

Gather Information:

  • Pinpoint specific challenges through teacher reports, homework observations, and noticing patterns of avoidance or frustration.

  • Factual information is your starting point for informed decision-making.

Talk to Your Child:

  • Initiate a calm conversation with your child about their school experiences.

  • Choose a relaxed setting, perhaps during an enjoyable activity, and keep the conversation short and validating.

  • Reassure your child of your support and willingness to help.

Find the Right Help:

  • Identify areas needing support and determine whether school services, outside resources, or a combination is most suitable.

  • Recognize that the school support process may take time, so early action is crucial.

  • Complement school services with outpatient options for a comprehensive approach.

New! from the King’s Day Out team: Navigating The World of Sensory Processing with Dr. Amy Wheadon

There are so many children who struggle with sensory processing and regulation on a daily basis. Challenges with regulation can and will impact:

● Focus and attention for learning activities

● Increased sensitivity to sights, sounds, movement, and touch leading to activity avoidance

● Decreased sensitivity to sights, sounds movement, and touch leading to seeking responses and movement that gets in the way of learning

● BIG reactions to small problems and situations

It's imperative for parents and educators to identify when sensory processing challenges are impacting a child's ability to access the curriculum and participate in learning and social situations. Knowledge of sensory tools, environmental modifications, and tips for self advocacy can be powerful strategies to support your students’ success in the classroom.

In these 1-hour training sessions, parents and educators will learn what sensory processing is, how to identify students facing these challenges, how it impacts them in the classroom, and what tools and strategies can be immediately implemented.

Cost: $200/session

Mental Health Support:

  • Consider seeking guidance from school counselors or outside mental health professionals.

  • Protecting your child's self-confidence and minimizing anxiety is vital for successful therapy participation.

Affirmation and Support:

  • Acknowledge the uniqueness and special qualities of your child.

  • Encourage them to advocate for the support they need to thrive.

  • Participating in group settings, if appropriate, can help your child connect with like-minded peers.

Consider Occupational Therapy (OT):

  • OT is a valuable resource for challenges related to impulse control, regulation, peer interactions, and sensory concerns.

  • Seek providers, like kidSHINE, with a foundation in sensory integration or sensory-informed therapy for a comprehensive evaluation.

Remember, you're not alone in navigating the challenges of the mid-year gap. Recognizing and addressing these issues now can positively impact your child's self-confidence and set them on a trajectory for success. Encourage a mindset of positive thinking to elevate your child's experience and close the gap by the end of the school year.

Stay Strong & SHINE on!

Dr. Amy


Making Waves: OT Tips and Tools for a Sensational Beach Trip ☀️


Fostering Community with a Neurodiversity Affirming Approach